The Two Methods of FootZonology®: ZoneAnalysis & ZoneBalance
ZoneBalance® is a method that repairs broken DNA connections, balances and repairs unfavorable imprints in the DNA code, and reconnects with the Inner-Blueprint.
The Method of ZoneBalance®:
Connecting your four lower bodies; your light body (energy body), your mental body (thinking body), your emotional body (feeling body), and your physical body (form body).
Balancing the seven horizontal energy fields.
Balancing and correcting the ten vertical fields, the meridians.
Correcting the body’s figure eight flow.
Balancing the Alpha and Omega energies.
ZoneAnalysis® is a method to see and feel the present condition and notice where the DNA code is disconnected from our Inner-Blueprint.
ZoneAnalysis® Can Find the Following:
Residues from food, drinks, and
eating habits.
Residues from foreign particles like chemicals, heavy metals, food additives, drugs, and medications.
Foreign living beings in the body like parasites, viruses, & pathogenic bacteria.
Emotional and mental formations.
Types of Zonology
Click the name of the Zonology type you want to jump to or scroll to view the full Zonology infographic.
ZoneBalance / ZoneAnalysis “The Key to Your Inner Perfection"
FootZonology® is the science of the signals on the feet, the light vessels connecting the DNA to your inner blueprint. The signals on the feet tell you about the broken connection between DNA in the cell and your inner blueprint. If you are disconnected from your inner blueprint, your DNA does not remember how to rebuild your cells. FootZonology® reconnects your DNA to your inner blueprint and once again you become what you were meant to be.
FootZonology® Benefits:
Bring your personality back and reconnect your DNA to your blueprint.
Raise your life energy.
Renew your cells.
Connect your physical body, emotional body, mental body, and light body.
Tell you about your present condition.
Bring to your mind and awareness your talents and traits, and reconnect you with your inner blueprint.
Cleanses you from foreign particles, foreign living beings, mental formations, and emotional formations.
How to work with your limbic system, the twelve cranial nerves, the subconscious, and the records in the face.
FaceZonology Classes Contain:
Face Zone Analysis - whatever you have seen, heard, tasted, smelled, and touched, has made an imprint in your mental body. All this can be seen, balanced, aligned, and corrected in your face.
Face Zone Balance - is the method on how to utilize the signals in the face. To balance the mental body, raise your awareness about your own beliefs, and mental formation which has influenced your life and health. FaceZoneBalance helps to correct, repair, and rejuvenate your hormones, and inner organs and to bring your mind and body back to a self-correcting state.
Face Tissue Rejuvenation - increases blood circulation, cleansing the tissue, the lymph, the spinal nerves, and the bone structure. As well as balancing inner organs and hormones.
Tell you about your present condition.
Aromatic Face Massage - reveals the properties of essential oils and how they influence muscles, inner organs, spinal nerves, and the skin.
The study and science of the signals in the back. This system is directly connected with the solar plexus and from the solar plexus to the inner blueprint.
The Four Methods of BackZonolgy:
Back Analysis
Back ZoneBalance
Back Tissue Rejuvenation
Aromatic Back Massage
Hands-on Connection “The Key to Your Healing Ray from the Heart”
HandZonology opens up your light vessels and reconnects you to your heart and inner blueprint.
HandZonolgy Benefits:
Connects your broken connection to the glandular system, and to all inner organs and cells.
Reconnect your four lower bodies.
Zonology Practioner Education Courses
Learn how to repair, rejuvenate, balance, and remove disturbances via the signal system on your feet, face, and back.