Advanced MasterFootZone® Seminar
How to reconnect the signals on the feet to your inner blueprint, transform your life, and become what you were meant to be. Discover your personal trade and Mission on earth, your inner qualities of God.
3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
How to use the map on the feet to discover the horizontal and vertical communication system, and how to find and unblock stagnation, habits, and the Matrix of the world in your physical, emotional, and mental body and Brakes in your light vessels.
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Zoning of the tonsil communication system, the limbic system, the antibodies, the L1-L5, the S1-S5, and the fingers and toes
3-6 pm
Zoning of the spinal fluid (your timeline), thymus, and the connections band, and its influence on your longevity and life.
7-9 pm
Zoning of the 12 cranial nerves and the communications organ the 12 spinal nerves and the small intestines the 12 fingers intestine, and the connection to the 12 months. The heart Flames are interconnected to the liver, spleen, and pancreas, and they are connected to the three hearing bones.
9 am-3 pm
The number of your organs and the intercommunication system. Practical analysis of the inner organ's broken connection to the inner blueprint.
The inner organs different Mission and function
(God's secret undiscovered anatomy and physiology)