Instructor Training for the Internet Instructors
Jan 22, 3-9pm: The different options for internet training. The homestudy program with videos and internet training.
Jan 23 10am-1pm. Marketing Planning
All instructors and instructors in training (zoning coaches) Jan. 23-25
Jan. 23 3-5:30pm. ZoneAnalysis of the Vagus Nerve
6:30-9pm. Reset and Activation of the Vagus Nerve (bring your Vagus Nerve Binder!!!)
Jan 24. 10am-1pm. New web page and New list of Instructors. Use of Trademarks: Master Foot Zone®, FootZonology®, ZoneBalance® & Footzone®
3-6pm. Planning for the year 2025. Contract, New Book ll & Support Area B
7-9pm. New material and update of Books. (bring Book ll Support booklet)
Jan 25. 9am-1pm. The New book: Hear & Circulation. (bring your last Conference binder If you have it).
Cost: Graduated Instructors $100. Instructors in training (coaches) $395
Lodging: $20/night. Food: 3 meals/day $34